Let's stay well together! Below is all you need to know about how we're ensuring safe in-person gatherings.

Please read the following important information:

We are offering two on-campus services on Sunday mornings – 9:00 am, and 10:30 am. Due to COVID-19 concerns, we will be limiting our worship center capacity. For those unable to attend in-person, we are also live-streaming the 10:30 service on youtube.

Before deciding to attend an in-person gathering:

Be sure to ask the following questions on behalf of your entire family/group before attending in-person.

• Do you have any of the following: fever or chills, cough, shortness of breath or difficulty breathing, body aches, headache, new loss of taste or smell, sore throat?

• Have you come into close contact (within 6 feet) with someone who has a laboratory-confirmed COVID – 19 diagnoses in the past 14 days?

If you answered yes to either of these questions or for any other reason do not yet feel comfortable returning to campus, we strongly encourage you to attend our 10:30am Livestream online church service.


Please enter through the front doors and a volunteer will assist you in finding a seat.


Our volunteer teams will work to ensure that we can maintain the highest levels
of cleanliness possible. Hand sanitizers will be readily available. Our church volunteer
teams will also clean and disinfect frequently contacted surfaces following each service.


Due to the state mandate, face coverings are currently required for all attendees (with some exceptions made for age and medical conditions). Please plan to bring and wear a mask. We will also have a supply on hand for those who may need one.


Restrooms will be available for use and team members will be on hand to clean
throughout the morning.


In order to maintain at least 6 feet between families and/or individuals, our seats will
be marked and designated so as to account for social distancing. Members of the same
household will be allowed to sit together.

Entering and Exiting

We ask that each person attending be mindful and respectful of other’s space at all times — especially when not seated. A directed, systematic dismissal plan will take place at the conclusion of each service.